The winery is going through the process of converting its vineyards to organic and Luis Coita
Civit, Agricultural Engineer consultant tells us the main aspects.
1- What is to be sustainable?
To be and to have a sustainable vineyard means to carry out any operation without
compromising the future execution of the same activity. It means that it is done in a way that
allows the future to continue doing it in a similar way without compromising the production
resources, without contaminating the soil, water, general environment, people and economy.
2- What actions have been taken to become organic?
A year ago we began in the Renacer vineyards with the replacement of agrochemicals with other
cultivation techniques. For example, herbicides were replaced by mechanical work and we
began to work the soil less so that spontaneous plant cover began to emerge between each row.
Among the vine plants, weeds grow which are cut by hand. In addition, we try to do preventive
management of plant diseases, carrying out green management tasks so that there is good air
circulation between the canopies, we prepare the plant so that the bunches are not exposed to
critical humidity conditions.
3- What does it mean for the wines that the vineyard is sustainable?
This translates into wines that have a natural balance, with excellent health and very good
acidity. We play a little less with hydric stress; it's about keeping the plants in situations that are not so extreme.
4- What is the status of the organic certification process?
To begin the process a year ago; we had to have some audits approved, where it was
demonstrated that we carry out agricultural techniques in which we do not apply products that
are not allowed.
Looking ahead, to obtain the certificate, it is necessary to spend a few more months in the
transition to be documented organic and also that the wines can be bottled under the organic
wine label.